jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

March Events

March Events

üSpiritual Response Therapy Basic Class
Three days (27 hours) of information, guidance and practical application of the technique. A fully experiential course. Learn how to use a pendulum and charts to investigate fears, traumas, conflicts and get the internal direction. Learn to communicate with your High Self , to a greater understanding of yourself and the dynamics of your everyday world.
Friday 8
, Saturday 9 and Sunday 10
from 9 am to 4 pm Miramar Fl
Value: $
üAngel Circle and Meditation
Monthly meeting in which  we do: an angel reading for the group , a study of a different archangel with the functions , group meditation  and share your experience with these wonderful beings.
Tuesday 12 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm  Miramar Fl
Energy Exchange: $15
üSpiritual Response Therapy Advanced Class
24 hours of direction and practice over three  days that include: a review of the basic techniques of  past life research, procedures for using all advanced charts to research your own or another’s programs, spiritual brain re-patterning techniques, clearing the inner child, and other archetypes programs.
Prerequisite:  SRT Basic Class
Friday 15, Saturday 16  and Sunday 17 from 9 am to 4 pm Miramar Fl
Value: $
üSRT Meeting
If you are a SRT Practitioner, you can assist to this meeting to clarify doubts and share with other practitioners just like you.
Tuesday 19  from 6:30 – 8:00 pm Miramar Fl
Energy  Exchange: $10
Limited seats. For more information and registration contact:

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